Monday, September 04, 2006

RIP, Crikey :(

there are few people out there who have a Dream with a capital D. there are fewer people out there who get to share a Dream with someone. there are even fewer people out there who dare to fight for their Dream. and only the fewest of them actually get to live it, to be come the living, breathing, talking, walking incarnation of that Dream.

take away the commercial side of the croc hunter, and you will have a person who took their dream out into the world. maybe he didn't raise many followers, but he raised attention on something else than your everyday issues. "
I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message." i hope it did. "ain't she a beauty?". no, she ain't. or at least she wasn't, until someone pointed it out.

a stingray may kill a man, but it may not kill a dream. and seeing the odd chance there is for such an accident, i just can't help thinking that this was one of those things that were meant to be. and that stingray did nothing else but fulfilling a mission. it gave a hero to a cause. "
I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it."

let's just hope the world gets the message and that it won't forget the idea over mourning the person. and yet... farewell to a piscean who swam against the stream and to the degree to which dragons still exist... farewell to a dragon whisperer. rest in peace, mate.

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