starting yesterday in the morning at 6 am till this morning at 7 am, at the umpth attempt, i managed to sleep an interrupted hour and a half, with my head on my desk. i got some six hours of sleep this morning finally... am just about floating now, but it'd take more than that to keep me going. especially seeing that i had probably slept around four hours on the night before.
so, what did i do? yep, it was shift change, of course. so yesterday i got the 7-15 shift. my colleague had some trouble, phoned he'd be in late, so i got out from work at 15:30. went for some last minute birthday shopping then - i still haven't found the precise thing i wanted, but it was cute enough to pass my cuteness test ;) i got home at 16:30, ate a little bit of something, washed my hair and headed for a

i left at around 19:30, caught a bus back home, showered, changed and left for the next thing. at a couple of minuntes to 20:00 i arrived at the meeting with the girls. a good friend of mine is getting married next weekend and this was going to be her errr.... what's the equivalent of a stag party for a girl? (sorry, i still can't think straight. i can't think gay, either. i can barely write, let alone think... but i won't let that get in the way of the blog ;) - when have i ever? had i thought just a little, i wouldn't have posted what i did).
so, when we finally arrived at the location, we were six girls and two future mother-in-laws - yeah, they came along too and they were really cool - and the future bride. i've been saying i won't get married since i was twelve, for half of my life... i am holding that opinion up and yesterday only went to prove that i made wise decisions with 12. there is no way i am going to go through something like that. that being a one man show of strip and lapdance for the future bride. well, she missed half of it, since she was blindfolded - all the more

we were supposed to change location at 23:00, i skipped what followed 'cause, yep, that's right: night shift. i went straight to work - actually one of the mums dropped me off there. by 2:00 a.m. i could've used matchsticks to hold up my eye-lids. by 3:00 a.m. everyone on messenger had gone to sleep and i was developing a slight headache from lack of sleep... around 4:40 a.m. i finally managed to nap with my head on my desk, must've slept around an hour or so and then i kept nicking in till around 6:30.
then i got a sms from my shift relief, so i called him. he had had a long night himself, said he'd be late about half an hour and that i should just forward all calls to him and go home. i didn't even attempt to protest. it took me quite some minutes to steady myself on my feet, i opened the window wide to catch some fresh air and washed my face. i walked home when i was confident enough that my feet would carry me. i had forgotten the darn mp3player at home, so i had no music in my ears to keep me awake.
i slept like a log from 7 a.m. till around 13:00-14:00. just enough to recharge my batteries, but a far cry from what i'd really need. am at work now since 15:00 (the third shift in a row with only 8 hours in between). in order not to fall asleep i'm listening to coming undone in a constant loop, the korn song i mentioned before.

ps: am posting this later from home, since it's a mess with image attachment from work.
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