sounds familiar? 'course it does. or it should, mind you. it's just a couple of blogs below, the starting paragraph. last night was night shift, that's when i usually talk most to people in my messenger list who are night owls just like me, hehe. well, one of these talks quite fit the paragraph above. unfortunately. the guy, let's just call him c., is just about to break up with a long term girlfriend. i told him such news always get me depressed and made a :( face; he said i shouldn't as it always happens in the end. well... my remark was that i am still looking for a proof of the contrary. we ended talking about the issue by agreeing that i have a talent for in-vain-things.
well, well, well... i've got news for you, folks :D. i've found a proof for the contrary and i was laughing my ass off, alone in the office, at 5 am. i am really happy for these people, if they weren't on the other side of the planet, i think i'd like to give them both a hug for that hearty laughter. first of all, because i found the aforementioned proof. and second, because i simply adore irony. even if it slaps me in the face :) ladies and gentlemen, please proceed to examine evidence no.1. it is a quote from a blog i came upon accidentally while seeking an image of a breakfast table, believe it or not.
My boyfriend and I have been together for over 6.5 years. No, we don't have an "open relationship," and no, we don't do 3-ways. (Nor do we have any intention of partaking in those activities in the future.)---Yes, we've both made our share of "mistakes" over the years. (Most couples who say they haven't are usually lying.)
*A brief word on "mistakes" in relationships: If a relationship is based on honesty, a couple really can work through any possible problem or "mistake" that either one makes or encounters.---There comes a point in a relationship when you stop thinking "Will we make it through this?" and focus on "How can we make it through this?"---Yes, it's possible to attain a point where "breaking up" just isn't a viable option.---And yes, there are situations when it can be incredibly painful, but (here's the good news)... hurt feelings can be healed, lost trust can be restored, and "things can be like they used to be" (most times, even better!)---If doubts arise as to "whether" a couple might "make it through" a conflict, then... well... they're just not at that point yet.---However, when you get there,... it is glorious!
this is by far the most reasonable and at the same time sweet thing i read on the issue of relationships lately, and trust me, i read a lot. note the 6.5 years? blog post is dated july 14, 2005. today's post from the same blog reads:
"Yesterday afternoon, as I drove home from work, I started thinking about my boyfriend... and how much I loved him and... I started... sobbing,... just... sobbing. I pulled over to the side of the road and called his phone at work. "Forget about the blog tonight, honey," my boyfriend said. "Skip the errands, go home, and relax.".
and yes, by all means, it is the very same boyfriend. oh, yeah. have i mentioned the irony before? the author of the blog isn't a chick. it's a guy called jason :) and yes, you read correctly on first attempt (congrats on that): he has a boyfriend.
right at'char faces, assholes. no, not you people. those stupid brainless giants in windmills i've been fighting for some time. monster considered squashed with proof the contrary.
woo-hoo. draco vincit.
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