i've been treating myself to more of my latest fave reading. it's a fun blog to read. it's pretty short entries (as opposed to mine...), they're funny and... they deal with the little things. nothing life-changing just as yet, but still... those little non-life-changing things are what actually make up a life.i enjoy reading about those. those that make me a sort of modern day voyeur, or does it make bloggers modern day exhibitionists?
i used to write blogs for the eyes of others. i'd lie to myself if i said i'm not still doing it. however, as i mentioned before i have come to little or at all censor what goes in. in a way, i am writing more for myself. it helps to read the things i think, as they become clearer like this. i still resent taking my insides out in public. there are certainly things that will never make it into a blog. if i am to write them, i'll write them on a paper and burn it afterwards. or send them to postsecret. which, by the way, is a great blog i heartily recommend.
so this is blog is going to keep it's style, at least for the time being... little pieces of me, i'll try not to slip into the indecency of over-selfexposure ;) and yet keep it personal

ps: yeah. me. :)
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