actually, i was in the mood to write a really peaceful blog. not a nice, or beautiful, or heaven forbid, a pathetic one. just a calm, settled down blog. no "loud" feelings. loud feelings tire me lately. don't know if i am making myself clear. i am too strain for any loud feelings. i need quiet ones. like when you have a headache and you find otherwise normal sounds utterly disturbing, and yearn for silence, or soothing, steady sounds to calm you. just like a sound can be loud or shrill and irritating, or calm and soothing, so can be feelings. may be gloomy for all i care, but i need them to whisper in my head, not scream.
someone called me a deep well today. they said i seem joyous and balanced on the surface, but on digging through my writings they found a disturbingly sad and hurt me lurking underneath, that doesn't show. well, it peaks out of the well occasionally, but blink and you'll miss it ;) seriously now, i know i may be more prone to melancholy than the average joe, and i know i put on a darn good show of happy-go-lucky at times, but i do not see myself like that. then again, i could hardly be objective about myself, i guess. and on the other hand, i perceive my self as a whole (we do not comment multiple wholes here ;) - relax i'm not a schizzo), as an average of the moods. could be worse, i tell you. don't make me prove it ;)
well, am not in the mood for anymore self-analysis right now (omg, i'm so egocentrical... this blog is only about me, me, me! oh, wait, it's my blog... phew, guess that's ok then). it might stir some loud feelings, and as said - no need for them right now. i just wish for calmness. that wise, condescending steadiness of an old oak, watching the storm rage around it. or of an old dog, seated calmly and looking with a knowing smile upon a bunch of puppies rolling and tumbling around. i wish for that kind of

this my response to the blog about nothing.... (silence) ;0)
oh, inner peace... i keep waiting for it to happen but it never does. maybe as i grow older... right now all i am is restless. dreaming about something and i don't even know what it is. i am not sure what's missing but it's getting more and more serious...
rog, you're a genius :))))
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