crappy holidays
yeah, that about sums it up. i worked on the catholic easter - in the idea i'd celebrate "the other one". my folks left on thursday morning. so we dyed the darn eggs on wednesday - darn cause almost all cracked. i slept through most of thursday, as i had been on nightshift. did some house cleaning on friday; then some more house cleaning on saturday afternoon; i worked on a morning shift on both saturday and sunday.
saturday was ok, as i read for most of the time and finished eldest, my easter present (that's the follow-up to eragon, in case you wonder... the book where my nick comes from). i spent easter night online. how pathetic can my life be if the best thing about easter was playing a word association game on a forum? (mind you, my partners in crime - or utter boredom - were an angel and a demon, judging by their nicks). sunday was crap. bored as heck at
work (am all fed up with downloaded heroes III maps). vacuumed my room (yeah, sinner me), then went out with a friend for a walk. we bumped into an equally bored friend of ours and a friend of his, sat on a bench in a dark park and talked about... can't even remember what.
monday morning i was back at work, thank god no one else was... to see me yawn and rubbing my eyes. there went easter... am looking forward to taking some days off and enjoy them. cause easter i definitely didn't.
poor deni... i almost had a simmilar easter myself, but my knight in shining armour showed up. :P... happy easter anyway. i'm sure you'll enjoy the days off :)
freakish rabbit :-s
i wanted to post frank from donnie darko, but this one was better :->
scaaaaaary... :-ss
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