greed - "the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual". i think i am the most non-materialistic person i know. i don't want things for the sake of wanting and i am completely immersed in the spiritual :). seriously now. i do want the one or other thing at times. and if i do, i work towards it. but i don't remember craving something so bad as to go out of my mind.
gluttony - "not any desire of eating and drinking, but an inordinate desire... leaving the order of reason, wherein the good of moral virtue consists". guilty as charged. damn hard to refuse a good icecream. long given up renouncing coke (yes, i am fully aware of the damage i do to myself). but i do not consider myself a real slave of the palate, so to say.
envy - "the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.". nope, most often not the case. i don't envy others for what they have and what they are, as i am mostly fully aware that it is senseless to do so, or that i can get my heart's desire. however, i do sometimes envy the ease with which some characters get what they want without apparent effort. but that immediately hauls me into another sin.
lust - "an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body". in matters of my judging, i would be absolutely guiltless (yeah, isn't everybody?). in toma d'aquino's view... i don't indulge in bestiality and am not gay to my knowing. guilty as charged of "procuring pollution, without any copulation" and "not observing the natural manner of copulation". fancy speech, dude! have it your way.

anger - "manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. it is also known as wrath". guilty. i do not enjoy it, though, it means effort, and we've already agreed that i'm a sloth :). but, alas! i am angered more than i would like it. i am angered by stupidity. i am angered by narrow-mindedness. i am angered by arrogance. i am angered by what i perceive as social injustice. i am angered at myself for being greedy, gluttoneous, envious, lusty, lazy and, hell yeah! for being angry. and i presume that the fact that i mostly consider my anger justified doesn't lessen the guilt. neither does the fact that i'd oh so much rather not care...
pride - "excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. pride is also known as vanity". yippppiiiieee. yes! yes! yes! guilty. even if ever so often i indulge in self-pity and i swim in low self-esteem... vanity must be it. because deeeeeeep down inside i know i am so darn better than every idiot out there who i might at times envy, because i do consider my point just and my anger justified, because i am lazy, but i think i do enough and others should do more and i could just drone on and on...

and how was pacino's line in the devil's advocate? "vanity is my favourite sin" - and tell you what - lucifer was darn right too in his vanity. why play harp with the rest of the herd when you stand out in the crowd. according to deadlysins.com, i'll be broken on the wheel in hell (so if you can't break my morally in life, you'll break me physically in death?!?!) and the sin is linked with the colour violet and symbolised by the horse. well, being in the company of a great actor as al pacino and of horses, who are such magnificent and... well, yeah, proud animals... guess it's just the place i belong :)
rrrrrgh (smug):P
lol you might regret this post when judgement day comes, deni!
think god reads blogs? think i can tell him what he doesn't know? think i care? think i'm not vain enough to think i'm right? ;)
i am an angel and have never sinned ;0)
rrrrrrrrrright roger. and if i tell you that your greatest sin is... sloth? ;)
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