some smartass tried to be funny yesterday when i was sharing my desire to go out and be silly in the rain, pointing out the eternal 'see? that's what money and society turn us into'. thank you miss. was aware of that before i had a chance to even start dreaming. learnt it too, for four years - just how subtle it works sometimes. are you aware of the ways you are manipulated into believing things or behaving in ways? i don't claim to be; but i probably beat you at it. which is no reason for me to be glad, trust me on that one.
yeah, so i am another brick in the wall. i can shout out against the system till i run out of breath - what good will it to me? it's a wall that's too good cemented together for me to have an effect. all i do is waste breath and energy that could be put to better use elsewhere - like ducking my head in and making my position in the darn wall as comfortable as possible :)
seriously now, there are only two ways to break a wall. on of them it an outside force greater than the wall's resistance. not recommended. it damages most of the bricks most of the time in a brutal manner. what's the use for a poor broken brick that it's finally free of the wall, when it's been pounded to pieces? the other one... well, that's all-powerful time. time wears down any wall; unfortunately, it too gnaws at the individual bricks. ever seen a solid brick wall worn down,

arrived here with my inner mumblings and mutterings i started listening to 'another brick in the wall'. all three of them. "i don't need no arms around me // and i don't need no drugs to calm me // i have seen the writing on the wall // don't think i need anything at all." these ones have always stuck a chord with me, ringing so... true. if i have nothing left to long for, if i stopped longing for growth - who or what can assure me that i am still alive and not given in to my

there is something that an individual brick can do. such a simple and easy to overlook answer: grow wallflowers. concentrate on life rather than a cold wall, put forth energy in that life. the roots plants strike will be an unhoped for aid in cracking the wall and relieving some of its pressure on the bricks.
... and all that goes to show you can come up with a better subject than romanian postal services. i picked up a parcel on friday, march 31, that was posted from england in mid-february with the intent of it reaching me in time for my brithday almost two weeks ago... and here i am, instead of revolting that it took so long, being grateful that it arrived after all...
thanks again, rog!
i think the person who made the comment should reflect upon its consequences on herself: look what money and society do, we can't even enjoy the rain anymore. we run after computers, televisions, virtual reality, and forget the simple pleasures of nature.
have i missed something??
ilya, that's she was trying to make clear to me... as if i needed that ;)) then again, she should wonder how xenophobia got innoculated in her. i know who i'm talking about ;)
roger: no, i don't think you've missed anything. was meaning to rant about post services delaying my pressie. but even walls and bricks beat that subject ;)
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