whether it's the biscuit gathering courage in front of the mirror by doing barry white impressions, people making love in the stalls, conversations being overheard, or just meaningful sighs of characters while looking at their own reflections... it happened there. of course, the fact that it was a unisex toilet was important in all this. and it's usually the "oh, i didn't know you were here" thing that played a part.
well, i hate public toilets. i hate the fact that people who happen to be in the room hear you peeing. i know, i know, it's natural to pee and the toilet is the place to do it. but i don't like it. it's even worse with poo. and god forbid you need to fart. that's downright embarrassing - toilet or not.

when i go to the toilet at work, and there's someone there at the sink or in the other stall... i usually wait until they leave the bathroom before i get out of my stall. don't ask why. i just don't consider public toilets a place to look strangers in the eyes. am i weird in this?
now don't tell me i'm weird just for writing about it. there are serious, scientific surveys about bathroom behaviour. people get paid for putting toilet users in categories according to toilet rituals, the way they fold their paper, wash their hands, what they do while peeing or pooing or how they keep their trousers while sitting on the throne. there is nothing off with my post here, seriously. i was just expressing some apprehension towards public toilest.

i might be too prude for all i know. but toilets should make you feel comfortable and safe. you should know no one is busting in on you, no one overhears any weird noises you might make - be it sighs of relief or concentration or just a plop in the water, where you don't hear others gossiping, possibly even about you; where you can spend some quality time with yourself, being excused from the world with a very acceptable and undeniable reason; where you can relax reading instructions from detergent bottles of have a good time with

well... so much musings for today. excuse me... am off to read a book ;)
seriously now, i have simmilar behaviour. i love toilets that have sinks in the same room as the toilet itself because i can turn on the sink and make some noise and cover up whatever noise i'm doing.
you've got real guts to write about this.
Thank God I'm not the only one. Never thought I'd be happy about not being the only one, but considering the topic... I sure am!
And yes, turning on the sink is familiar, too. Always do that when visiting friends. I turn it on the minute I get in, which i guess makes everything even more obvious, cause i DO flush when I get out! "What did she flush after? Washing in the sink?! I know that's all I heard!" In case, of course, anyone pays attention to the sounds coming from the bathroom, which is my worst fear and generates this behaviour in the first place...
And don't you just hate it when you have to ask for toilet paper, cause there isn't any? Never happened? Lucky you! But what do you know? even after asking for it, i STILL turn the sink on! WHY?!
I do read instructions from... whatever bottles i find. Not at home, though. At home, i go there prepared. With crossword puzzles, books, magazines or my cellphone, in order to play the silly games in it. And, NO, i dont answer it during the process!:D
i always have the latest issue of 'academia catavencu' right in front of the toilet at home. at my parents' place i used to have a joke book :D
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