(for your information: i am doing this now because i promised several persons i would. i have written loads and accidentally shut down my browser window... am just re-writing this... *insert rolling eyes here*).
the project i mentioned in my previous post got approved. it's official, i got the email from

also... i know that i am acting like a spoilt bitch again. i know there are loads of (more or less enthusiastic) people and/or organisations out there, who were hoping for exactly such an occasion and are disappointed; while i sit here with a winning project in my hands and experience no joy... just a somewhat grim satisfaction through gritted teeth. and sadness at the idea that i have no one to really work with. i can't really let our youngest volunteer do all the work, and i have been proven over again just how serious and reliable my colleagues are. sad enough :(

with the other organisation... we have a major event coming up this very saturday, called dOGTOBER fEST. another one-man show almost, this time run by someone else though. i have been giving a hand with the printed matters: leaflets, posters, business cards, diplomas, etc. i am likely to blog more about it after the event, so won't say much about it. just that while i was working afternoons this past week, i stayed up at night to design those materials. i have come to develop a passion for graphic design, apparently...
at work... i have come to the point of putting in my messenger status that i'm bored with it, which is no news. it still is just as comfortable and almost non-demanding, which is a disadvantage at this point. however, i do not want it to become more demanding, because i do not envision myself doing this for much longer. i knew it was way below what i can do, but it has now come to be way below what i want to do. also, i know from hearsay that they wish to take me to another project, which involves telesales (yuck) in german (yuck). i won't do that, not for triple my salary, no sirree (not like they'd offer that much).
what else? apparently i started classes - for those of you who lost track, i am studying for a masters degree in 'management and marketing in advertising' (see, designing posters isn't that far-fetched). i managed to pay my studying fee on time this time (hip-hip-hooray).
on a lighter note (and thus close to my heart): i have finally put up my webpage on my own domain name. no more commercials for me and easy ftp upload :)

also, i have uploaded my account on fotocommunity.de - i am now a paid member with full rights (i will not give you the account of the odyssey entitled "how it feels for a romanian to subscribe to an internet paying service when romanians are renowned for credit card scams on the net") - took a while but... hooray, i'm in.
linked to that - i have entered a photo contest some time ago on that very site; picture got mark 6,000 from a professional jury (winner had 8,333) and landed on place 90something (i thought it was 99, but there are several with the same mark) out of 1352 entries. which i

otherwise... not much to report i guess. or nothing that would make it to the blog. i'll try keeping up some sort of a rhythm with the posts - i have another four coming up, one that was due over two weeks ago and while talking with seraphimovic, he gave me the idea for another one. so five blogs are waiting in line. you will be fed. howgh!
which pic is the one you entered in the compitition?
the one with kara and my dad :)
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