quick explanation for the dragon-profanes out there: christian version: good ol' knights go slay dragons, a symbol of evil. fantasy version: dragons are old creatures of great power, a part of earth itself. slaying a dragon is thus a great crime. the story goes that many are blinded by faith and embark on quests to find and slay dragons and obviously few succeed. don't ask how, but probably through their telepathical powers, dying dragons convey to their slayer the sheer dimension of their deed. anyone with common sense would realise the mistake they made. the only way to heal the damage done is serve the true purpose of creation, of which dragons are a part, and for that the help of those very dragons is needed. now you go figure what it means to go kill a darn drake, have a sudden revelation, recover from the nervous breakdown of it, then look for another dragon,

now for the second part of my folly. i have managed some degree of mastery of html. i decided to move on to css. had the helping hand of a friend send me a book. went through chapter one, applied what i learnt and... dunno. got this idea of learning flash. went through the first twenty pages of the book. was easy for who recommended it - the guy had his nose stuck in corel draw and photoshop for four years! i have only gotten so far as to put transparent background on gif's i use on sites... well, so i suppose i'd start learning photoshop. got damn user guide got 549 pages. am at page 29. and i need it. cause i did another crazy thing. link below.
so i ask you dear readers, to nag me day in and day out until you hear from me that i've reached page 548. i'll skip the content table. you'd do the world a favour, really. cause you don\t want anyone looking at pictures like these:
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