i pray the door holds fast. am not good at digesting stuff, i have the ostrich system that functions well; but if the door breaks down and everything comes tumbling... i picture it like in tom & jerry cartoons, when tom opens the door to the closet where jerry hid, and he is first hit in the head by that heavy bowling ball and then all the rest comes down on him, burying him underneath. yeah, that's a very good imagine of what would happen if the doors broke: i would probably be buried alive. no way i could crawl out of there by myself. no one i know of that could lift that weight from me; and am not the type of person asking for help either, even if i had the time to yelp for it while things fall around and all over me...
have talked to someone yesterday; it was a relief telling her some things, it always is talking to virtually strangers, though they'd have to be a certain type of person for me to be able to do it and she is. was relieved to find another closet-owner; but she is dealing with hers, she's put order in her drawers. i just throw stuff in

Sounds like you need a spring clean. The longer you leave it, the worse its going to be to do it.
same as with my room roger - afraid to do it :)
always welcome :)
interesting point of view, too
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