don't ask me for what obscure reason i have finally made up my mind to go to a master's degree. fact is, i have. and there's this cute little subject called... never mind. doesn't matter, anyway. and in this suject we have to make a presentation of a book. general description, topics teated, blah blah, and insist upon a chapter we deem important.
well, along comes a colleague of mine with his "presentation". he starts reading it, mind you, of his darn paper. ok, maybe he's not good at presentations. but he isn't good at reading either. kept stumbling through the words like a drunken elephant. hard as i tried, i couldn't follow what he was saying but for the mutters and mumbles. and then the book lands on my desk. i open it and... surprise, surprise. the bloke was actually reading the preface of the darn book, word by word. and not even reading it properly. and his in depth presentation of the chapter, which was not at all an important one, well... yeah, he read us the chapter aloud, in the same 4th grader manner.
well, i know i'm a nerd. but mind you there are people out there who aren't, but who still can read. so this guy basically cheats by copying a preface and he can't even read that clearly. the only question i still have is whether he copied the text, or just scanned it. my guess would be for the latter. oh, and as to the title of the blog entry. the idiocy is entirely mine. because idiots like these still get my pulse racing in rage...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
olympic discipline of heart spilling

there is a tv show running here, hosted by a guy who graduated psychology (i think), discussing people’s problems on tv. i do not have the nerves to watch, so i can’t give you any more details. what makes it worse than your average “my neighbour stole my salad from the gargen” talk show is the fact that this guy actually studied to help people with issues in thei lives. that is they come and pour their hearts out, and he tries to make them find a way out. in private. and he has something like professional confidentiality to observe - that is not going to the superstore and chatting to the cashier about someone’s troubles. but no. this one does it on national television. and people actually go to the show and stick their insides out

is it me being behind times and changes, or is this totally wacko??? all of a sudden tom cruise and the penible show he put on on oprah, making a total fool of himself, doesn’t seem that out of place anymore, not for someone called thomas cruise mapother IV, anyway… crazy times we live in, i tell you.
Monday, October 24, 2005
dead pants

i am talking about a band, a german punk rock band who sing (mostly) in german. yes, there are bands other than rammstein doing that :p. the band's history goes back to 1982. my favourite songs include unsterblich ('immortal') and ich bin

just give 'em a listen if you're into the genre ;)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
sheep in the big city
unfortunately, there are loads of sheep in a big city. and that would be a good thing, if only they would rise to cartoon-sheep's level of intelligence.
as it happens, a great mall opened in my city today. just across the street from my block. people flocked to it like sheep. not too bad. but they stared blank-eyed or round-eyed, like sheep. they walked like sheep, stepping on your toes if you didn't get out of the way. they drove like sheep, driven by policeman and honking. and they even bleated like sheep, or that's how it sounded to my strained nerves. and i might not even have realised. i wasn't
Friday, October 21, 2005
i discovered something that makes me feel good. something that amuses me and picks me up when i'm so down that i can't pick myself up from the floor. remember ice age? remember scrat? you don't knpow who scrat is? the little

i watched the scrat-mini-movie today. i kept quietly chuckling to myself for the whole duration of it. but i felt so gooooood afterwards. i guess you could say that the life and torment of scrat is a really liberating experience - some really have it worse than you. so why fret?
a musing: a-musing,
readings and viewings
Thursday, October 20, 2005
i need a miracle
I want a cup that overflows with love

Although it's not enough to fill my heart
I want a barrel full of love
Although I know it's not enough to fill my heart
Want a river full of love, but then
I know the holes will still remain
I need an ocean full of love
Although I know the holes will still remain
And this Swiss cheese heart knows
Only kindness can fill its holes
Love can dry my tears
As pain disappears
I need a miracle and not someone's charity
One drop of love from him
And my heart's in ecstacy
The high that is sending me
Is most likely ending me
I need a miracle and not someone's charity now
Fill up my heart with love
Oh you'd be amazed at how little I need from him
To feel complete here and now
Stirring within me are these feelings I can't ignore
I need a miracle and that's what I'm hoping for
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
i absolutely adore pasta. have tried home-made lasagna. but i found it very heavy on the stomache. so i decided to cut out all the heavy crap, and voila, today i made one that even my mum would eat :)
the ingredients are plain and need no pre-cooking. all you need is lasagna (duh!), canned sliced mushrooms, sliced cheddar cheese and sliced ham - pick whatever sortiments of these

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
heed the warning bell...
i've been left thinking of how tabus are constructed, passed on and reinforced when questioned in tight communities; of how an outside threat, whether real or imaginary, creates cohesion within a group and shifts attention from inside problems - these questions are mere signs of professional deformation for me. but there are others, deeper and more meaningful: thoughts of the lengths some people go to escape the ghosts of their own past; of how human nature surfaces in primary instincts like love, curiosity, posessiveness, a

and then, another interesting aspect of human behaviour is concentrated in something that, for me, was the most memorable phrase of the movie. heed the warning bell that echoes within it.
"sometimes we don't do things we want to do so that others won't know we want to do them"
Monday, October 17, 2005
losers weepers (1): the story of loss
i am not a believer as the definition goes. i have no faith whatsoever in established faith. but i do believe in the soul and that it may live on after death. i also belive it can be maimed and twisted, as your limbs may be maimed and twisted. and i do believe you lose a bit of it every time a loved one dies, one you have bound your soul to. however, there is the remote comfort that the soul is out there, much likely in a better place. and the distance that separates you can and will some day be bridged.
if you lose someone to life, there's a gap that no one may close again.

losers weepers,
stream of consciousness
Saturday, October 15, 2005
might and magic

Friday, October 14, 2005
the importance of being friendly
one day he asked me why i always call to let him know he was on duty, and not just to ask how he's been. i promised one day i'll surprise him. a couple of weeks passed, he called on tuesday with some job stuff and i remembered my promise. so i called him yesterday. i was having a difficult time with a task that wasn't even mine to complete and felt the need for a friendly voice. he asked what was up and i said 'nothing. just wanted to ask how you've been'. there was a moment of silence, and i went on 'remember, i promised one day i'll surprise you and just call to ask how you've been. well that day is today. just wanted to say hi.' he burst into laughing and said he was great, for two reasons: the one that i stated - calling him - and hearing my voice.

don't get me wrong. this was no flirting. we've seen face to face maybe a couple of times. we talked work business and exchanges a few niceties. he may be twenty years older than me. i don't know and it doens't matter. this is just a matter of people being friendly to each other for no particular reason. but god, it made my day yesterday.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I will do without // The spaces in between
If you can tell me now // What it means to beYou have been found out // I have been deceived
By the one that I need
Tell me why you gotta be so cold
How'd you get so high // Why you keeping me low
You don't know
Tell me how we're gonna make it last
You're ready to fly // I'm ready to crash
Don't go
You will go without // The better part of me
There will be no doubt // What this all could mean
You will be found out // I can not believe
In the one that I need
Tell me why you gotta be so cold // Tell me anything about you I don't know
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
max mutzke

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
pet respect and animal care

Monday, October 10, 2005
warning - explicit content ;)

Sunday, October 09, 2005
brilliant i can handle...
stumbled over a thing called blogthings - basically loads of stuff that you can put in your blog, wherever it is hosted. below you see my results to a quick personality test - based on choosing an image by instinct.

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection. You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system. And while this may not seem big, it can be. It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes. You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever

You claim to be a realist or even a cynic. In realty, you are more emotional, romantic, and truthful. You tend to life in a fantasy world and avoid reality.
If you are not living a happy life, the cause is within yourself. You are a rebel with a trace of spoiled child about you. You value truth above morality, but you are reasonably tolerant of those who disagree with you.
Maroon 5 Shares Your Taste in Music


ps: poems may be viewed here.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
the goblet of fire

blogging gay-friendly

Thursday, October 06, 2005
a fantasy christmas present

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
have a nice day!

and as a ps: the smirk is a great marketing idea!
wonderful web game

blog 'n' sutff on the net,
fantasy stuff
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
return of the rider
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