a musing: a-musing - things that should make you smile (quite a pun i've come up with, huh?)
a musing: forever black-eyed - things that make me sigh (not necessarily you too, that is. the depressive stuff; the label is a reference to black eyed, the placebo song)
blog 'n' stuff on the net - entries related to this blog, updates, etc., as well as stuff i've found while browsing that i consider worth sharing
everyday stuff i do - stuff that happened to me or that i've done; little glimpses and updates from my uninteresting life
fantasy stuff - unicorns, dragons, books, movies, games... you name it
losers weepers - a mini series i started longer ago without realising and that i plan to continue under the form of the last entry with this label
music - this is self explaining, isn't it?
muttered under my breath - the stuff that pisses me of :D
readings and viewings - entries triggered by stuff i read and watch, book and movie related musings
stream of consciousness - joyce's skin would crawl at this... but it's basically just me rambling on (the majority of this blog, really)
test and quizzez - because i am a fan of such :)
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