puppy love (reloaded)
hey there. i just wanted to let you know that this weekend, i've been with nine other people (three vets among them) to a dog shelter just outside timisoara. there are around 100 dogs there, and it's not even close in conditions as a shelter is supposed to be (i mean, the way they all look on animal planet...). the dogs are only reasonably well fed, there's dirt and poor housing conditions and some of them are sick and parasite infested. however, we have managed to
vaccinate 60 dogs against rabies and deparasite 3 pups. these have all been given a red collar and an identification number and have been entered in a chart, along with their sex, size, description and notes of treatment. one little light brown bitch underwent eye surgery on the spot, as two vets operated her in their van. we hope to continue this action next saturday.
i really admire you for these things you do, you know that?
no i don't, but thank you, although i'm not very sure i deserve it. i feel like i could and should do much more :(
yeah well compared to slackers like me who just think they should do something but don't actually do it, you're great...
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